مشكلتي في إن جهازي كل ما شغلته تطلع لي الشاشة السوداء الله يكفيكم شرها ومكتوب فيها إللي بقوله آلحين لكن ذا الكلام مافهمت منه إلا شوي ولا أدري بالضبط وش هي المشكلة إللي أبيه منكم تعلموني وش هي المشكلة ووش حلولها إذا تعرفون :Can not find a device file that may be needed to run windows or a windows application.
The windows registry or SYSTEM.INI file refers to this device file, but the device file no longer exists.
If you deleted this file on purpose , try unistalling the associated application using its or setup program.
If you still want to use the application associated with this device file try reinstalling that application to replace the missing file
C:\ progra~1\norton~1\NAVAP.VXD
Press akey to continue.
The windows registry or SYSTEM.INI file refers to this device file, but the device file no longer exists.
If you deleted this file on purpose , try unistalling the associated application using its or setup program.
If you still want to use the application associated with this device file try reinstalling that application to replace the missing file
C:\ progra~1\norton~1\NAVAP.VXD
Press akey to continue.