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my huge project on poets who wants to come

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  • my huge project on poets who wants to come

    Poets for you

    شباب هنا قصائد بالأنجليزيه مع الشرح اتمنى أن تنال اعجابكم وتقربكم للأنجليزي اكثر ...

    ما يجب أن تعلموه هو انني لا استطيع ترجمة كل القصائد فاللغه مرتبطه مع ثقافة المجتمع الأوروبي لذلك هنالك بعض الكلمات لها علاقه بالمجتمع الغربي والمجتمع الشرقي لا يعرف معناها لأختلاف البيئه واختلاف المعيشه

    وكل مجتمع لديه من التقاليد والعادات التي يجب أن تحترم ولا يعني الأستهزاء بها الا نقص المستهزئ سواء كان غربي ام شرقي وانا لا اطالب احد بتيني أي عاده من هذه العادات الا ما يوافق ديننا الحنيف وما يخالفه ارموا به في اقرب زباله!!

    Lilies are white,

    Rosemary's green,

    When you are king,

    I will be queen.

    زهور السوسن بيضاء

    إكليل الجبل الأبيض لونه اخضر

    عندما تكون انت ملك

    ساكون أنا ملكه

    Roses are red,

    Lavender's blue,

    If you will have me,

    I will have you.

    الزهور حمراء

    الخزامى لونه ازرق

    ان أردتني

    فانا أريدك

    Aziz did you feel no pain

    Falling from that willow tree

    Will you please do it again

    Cause my friends here didn't see

    عزيز هل ما زلت لا تشعر بالألم

    بعد سقوطك من شجرة الصفصاف تلك

    هل تعاود صعودها مرة اخرى

    لأن اصدقائي هنا لم يرو

    هل تأكل فاصوليا مع عسل بسكين

    أي جنون هذا تفضل!

    I always eat peas with honey

    I have done it all my life

    It makes the peas test funny

    But it keeps them on the knife.

    ليلة الأربعاء كونها ليلة اخر يوم دراسي

    To-night , to-night

    The pillow fight

    To-morrow's the end of school

    Break the dishes break the chairs

    And trip the teachers on the stairs

    الليله الليله

    معركة الوسائد" مخاد النوم"

    غدا نهاية المدرسه

    كسر الصحون كسر الكراسي

    وعرقل المدرسي على الدرج

    اياكم أن تفعلوا اياكم ؟؟

    From a Shropshire lad

    When I was one-and-twenty

    I heard a wise man say

    Give crowns and pounds and guineas

    But not your heart away

    Give pearls away and rubies

    But keep your fancy free

    But I was one-and-twenty

    No use to talk to me

    When I was one-and-twenty

    I heard him say again

    The heart out of the bosom

    Was never given in vain

    Tis paid with sighs a plenty

    And sold for endless rue

    And I'm tow-and-twenty

    And "oh" tis true, tis true.
    A E Housman

    شايف نفسه مره !

    First come I , my name is jowett.

    There is no knowledge but I know it,

    I am the master of this college:

    What I don't know is not knowledge


    القادم احلى أن شاء الله .


  • #2
    الرد: my huge project on poets who wants to come

    lool ,,

    its oretty funny stuff man ,,

    thnx any way .

    best regard.

    إذ لم تحترق أنت ..

    ولم أحترق أنا ..

    فمن أين يخرج النور ؟؟


    • #3
      الرد: my huge project on poets who wants to come

      Nice poems

      If you don't mind , I wanna participate , but do you mean translating famous poems only or just any poem famous or not famous ?

      thanx my friend , and I'll be back

      my best wishes

      Mohamed Amin


      • #4
        الرد: my huge project on poets who wants to come

        I do thank you sadness for ever and you my best friend muhammed . what I meant to is any poem it doesn't matter if it is well-known or not we just aim at a better corner for poems ??? here sth new for
        you dear friends !!

        Latin for to-day

        Latin is a dead tongue

        Dead as dead can be

        First it killed the Romans

        Now it's killing me


        The harp of youth

        In delay there lies no plenty

        Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty

        Youth's a stuff will not endure


        Our visit to the zoo

        When we went to the zoo

        We saw a gnu,

        An elk and a whelk

        And a wild emu

        We saw a hare

        And a bear in his lair

        And a seal have a meal

        On a high-backed chair

        We saw a snake

        That was hardly awake

        And a lion eat meat

        They'd forgotten to bake

        We saw a coon

        And a baby baboon

        The giraffe made us laugh

        All afternoon !!

        We saw a crab

        And a long-tailed dab

        And we all went home

        In a taxi-cap

        Jessie Pope

        To be or not to be

        I'm joking….!!

        To be continue

        آخر اضافة بواسطة ام اي عزيزي; 28-06-2005, 08:50 PM.


        • #5
          الرد: my huge project on poets who wants to come

          do you need more poems
          go ahead

          القصيده المشهوره ذا ديمون لوفر الجني العاشق

          هذا نوع من انواع الشعر يسمى " بالاد" وهذه القصيد" الديمون لوفر" كما تعلمون الديمون هو جني لوفر عاشق اذاً " الجني العاشق" . صاحبها غير معروف وهي قصيده متواتره شفوياً لذلك يوجد بعض الكلمات الناقصه فيها مثل wi = with ........ إلى اخره ...

          The Demon Lover

          Oh where have you been, my long lost love,
          This long seven years and mair
          Oh I'm come to seek my former vows
          Ye granted me before
          ففي مطلع هذه القصيده يقوم هذا الجني بمناداة عشيقته التي هي من بني البشر
          فيقول لها اوه اين كنتي يا هاجره لقد غبتي طويلاً
          هذه السبع سنين وعليها
          اوه أنا رجعت لأتفقد وعودك التي منحتيني اياها

          Oh hold your tongue of your former vows
          For they will breed sad strife
          Oh hold your tongue of your former vows
          For I am become a wife
          فترد عليه قائلةً:
          اوه امسك لسانك عن تلك الوعود
          لأنها ستوّلد نفحات حزن شديده
          اوه امسك لسانك عن تلك الوعود
          لأني اصبحت زوجه

          He turned him right and round about;
          And the tear blinded his ee
          I wad never hae trodden this Irish ground
          If it had not been for thee
          قطع هذا الكلام الجني إلى قطعتين يمين وشمال
          والدموع ملئت عيناه حد العمى
          فيقول: هيه أنا ما كنت لأطأ هذه الأرض الأيرلنديه
          أن لم يكن مجيئي من اجلك

          I might hae had a king's daughter
          Far, far beyond the sea
          I might hae had a king's daughter
          Had it not been for love o' thee
          فتقول المرأه : هيه أنا من الممكن أن يكون معي ابنة ملك
          بعيده بعيده خلف البحار
          هيه أنا من الممكن أن يكون معي ابنة ملك
          املكها من اجل الحب أو غيره

          If ye might hae had a king's daughter
          Yersel ye had to blame
          Ye might hae taken the king's daughter
          For ye kend that I was nane

          If I was to leave my husband dear
          And my two babes also,
          O what hae you to take into
          If with you I should go
          اذا كان من الواجب عليَّ أن اغادر زوجي العزيز
          وابناي أيضا
          إلى اين والى ماذا اذهب
          اذا كان لا بد من الذهاب معك...

          I hae seven ships upon the sea
          The eight brought me to land
          With four and twenty bold mariners
          And music on every hand
          فيرد الجني : أنا لدي سبع سفن على البحر
          والثامنه هي التي اوصلتني إلى الشاطئ عندك
          مع اربعه وعشرين بحار شجاع
          وموسيقى في كل مكان....!!!

          She has taken up her two little babies,
          Kissed them baith cheek and chain
          "O fair ye weel, myain two babes,
          For I'll never see you again
          فقامت صاحبتنا برفع ابنيها الصغيرين
          وقبلتهم على الخدود والذقون
          وقالت لهم: اوه وداعاً اباني العزيزان
          وداعا إلى لا لقاء بعد الأن ؟؟

          She set her foot upon the ship
          No mariners could she behold
          But the sails were o the taffetie
          And the masts o the beaten gold
          ووضعت قدميها على سطح الباخره
          لم تتعرض لأي بحار ولم ترى أي احد !!؟؟؟
          واشرعة الباخره تبدو من نسيج التافيتي
          وسواري المركب من ذهب مصقول

          She had not sailed a league, a league
          A league but barely three,
          Until she espied his cloven foot
          And she wept right bitterly
          هي أي صاحبتنا لم تبحر ميل أو حتى ميل
          ميل ولكن بكل تأكيد ثلاثة اميال
          حتى لمحت قدما الجني التي بدت كحوافر
          وعندها بكت بمراره

          O hold your tongue of your weping " says he
          Of your weeping now let me be
          I will shew you how the lilies grow
          On the banks of Italy
          فقال الجني : هيه امسكي عن هذا البكاء
          امسكي عن هذا البكاء المتأخر واتركيني اقول لك :
          سأريكي كيف تنمو زهور السوسن
          على شواطئ ايطاليا

          O what hills are yon you pleasnt hills
          That the sun shines sweetly on?
          O yon are the hails of heaven, he said
          Where you will never win
          فقالت: اوه ما اروع تلك التلال الجميله
          التي تسطع عليها الشمس بنعومه وجمال
          فيقول الجني: اوه نعم هي تلال الجنه
          مكان انتي عمرك ما حتروحيه أو تفوزي به ؟؟

          O what a mountain is yon " she cried,
          All so dreary wi frost and snow
          O yon is the mountain of hell " he cried
          Where you and I will go
          فصرخت: ما هذا الجبل ين ؟؟
          الكل يبدو كئيب موحش أو بارد وبه صقيع "الثلج"
          فرد الجني : اوه ين هذا هو جبل الجحيم !!
          محل ما انتي وانا راح نروح ؟!!

          He strack the tap-most wi his hand
          The tore-most wi his knee,
          And he brake the gallant ship in twain

          And sank her in the sea

          فقام الجني بضرب بقطع الشراع الأعلى بيديه ؟؟
          واكمل على السفلي بركبتيه
          ثم كسر اسفل السفينه وجعل فيها فتحة كبيره !!
          واغرقها في البحر ؟؟


          آخر اضافة بواسطة ام اي عزيزي; 28-06-2005, 09:10 PM.


          • #6
            الرد: my huge project on poets who wants to come

            2/ Courtly love

            ( What should I say ) by Thomas Wyatt

            What should I say,

            Since faith is dead,

            And Truth away

            From you is fled?

            Should I be led

            With doubleness?

            Nay, nay, mistress

            I promised you,

            And you promised me

            To be as true

            As I would be

            But since I see

            Your double heart

            Farewell my part

            Though for to take

            It is not my mind,

            But to forsake

            (One so unkind)

            And as I find,

            So will I trust:

            Farewell, unjust

            Can ye say nay?

            But you said

            That I always

            Should be obeyed?

            And thus betrayed

            Or that I wist…

            Farewell, unkissed


            • #7
              الرد: my huge project on poets who wants to come

              Love & Friendship

              Upon a delaying lady

              Come, come away

              Or let me go;

              Must I here stay

              Because you are slow

              And will continue so?

              Troth Lady, no

              I scorn to be

              A slave to state

              And since I'm free,

              I will not wait

              Henceforth at such a rate

              For needy fate

              If you desire

              My spark should glow

              The peeping fire

              You must blow

              Or I shall quickly grow

              To frost or Snow.


              • #8
                الرد: my huge project on poets who wants to come

                Never seek to tell thy love

                Never seek to tell thy love

                Love that never can told can be

                For the gentle wind does move

                Silently Invisibly

                I told my love , I told my love

                I told her all my heart

                Trembling cold in ghastly fears

                Ah ! she doth depart

                Soon as she gone from me

                A traveler came by

                Silently Invisibly

                He took her with a sigh



                Shall I , wasting in despair,

                Die because a woman's fair ?

                Or make pale my cheeks with care

                Cause another's rosy are ?

                Be she fairer than the day ,

                Or the flow'ry meads in May,

                If she think not well of me

                What care I how fair she be

                Shall my silly heart be pined

                Cause I see a woman kind?

                Or a well disposed nature

                Joined with a lovely feature?

                Be she meeker, kinder, than

                Turtle-dover or pelican

                If she be not so to me,

                What care I how kind she be ?

                Shall a woman's virtues move

                Me to perish for her love?

                Or her well-deservings known

                Make me quite forget my own?

                Be she with that goodness blest

                Which may merit name of best,

                If she be not such to me,

                What care I how good she be ?

                Cause her fortune seems too high,

                Shall I play the fool and die?

                She that bears a noble mind,

                If not outward helps she find,

                Thinks what with them he would do

                That without them dares her woo;

                And unless that mind I see,

                What care I how great she be?

                Great, or good, or kind, or fair,

                I will ne'er the more depair;

                If she love me, this believe,

                I will die ere she shall grieve

                If she slight me when I woo,

                I can scorn and let her go;

                For if she be not for me,

                What care I for whom she be?
                GEORGE WITHER


                • #9
                  الرد: my huge project on poets who wants to come

                  Here is the new

                  I guess it is a political one
                  I hope you like it

                  THE HANOI BOMBING

                  We drive between lakes just turning green
                  Late June. The white turkeys have been moved
                  To new grass.

                  How long the seconds are in great pain
                  Terror just before death
                  Shoulders torn, shot

                  From helicopters, the boy
                  Tortured with the telephone generator
                  I felt sorry for him

                  And blew his head off with a shotgun
                  These instants become crystals

                  The grass cannot dissolve. Our own gaiety
                  Will end up
                  In Asia, and in your cup you will look down
                  And see

                  Black Starfighters
                  We were the ones we intended to bomb
                  Therefore we will have
                  To go far away
                  To atone

                  For the sufferings of the stringy-chested
                  And the small rice-fed ones, quivering
                  In the helicopter like wild animals
                  Shot in the chest, taken back to be questioned

                  ALLEN GINSBERG


                  This is a sad one
                  It is full of sadness expressions and pictures
                  A thousand doors ago
                  When I was a lonely kid
                  In a big house with four

                  Garages and it was summer
                  As long as I could remember
                  I lay on the lawn at night
                  Clover wrinkling under me
                  My mother's window a funnel

                  Of yellow heat running out
                  My father's window, half shut
                  An eye where sleepers pass

                  And the boards of the house
                  Were smooth and white as wax
                  And probably a million leaves
                  Sailed on their strange stalks
                  As the crickets ticked together

                  And I, in my brand new body
                  Which was not a woman's yet
                  Told the stars my questions

                  And thought God could really see
                  The heat and the painted light
                  Elbows, knees, dreams, goodnight.

                  THOM GUNN 1929


                  MY MOTHER SAID

                  My mother said I never should
                  Play with the gypsies in the wood
                  The wood was dark; the grass was green
                  In came Sally with a tambourine
                  I crept to the sea- no ship to get across
                  I paid ten shillings for a blind white horse
                  I up on his back and was off in a crack
                  Sally, tell me mother I shall never come back


                  THE FLY

                  How large unto the tiny fly
                  Must little things appear
                  A rosebud like a father bed

                  Its prickle like a spear
                  A dewdrop like a looking-glass
                  A hair like golden wire

                  The smallest grain of mustard-seed
                  As fierce as coals of fire
                  A loaf of bread, a lofty hill

                  A wasp, a cruel leopard
                  And specks of salt as bright to see
                  As lambkins to a shepherd

                  Walter De La Mare


                  This is a nice long one you will enjoy it certainly
                  But I don't think that girls will do

                  I LOVED A LASS

                  I loved a lass, a fair one
                  As fair as e'er was seen
                  She was indeed a rare one
                  Another Sheba Queen
                  But, fool as then as I was
                  I thought she loved me too
                  But, now, alas ! she's left me
                  Falero, Lero, Loo

                  Her hair like gold did glister
                  Each eye was like a star
                  She did surpass her sister
                  Which pass'd all others far
                  She would me honey call
                  She'd – O she'd kiss me too
                  But now, alas ! she's left me
                  Falero, Lero, Loo

                  Many a merry meeting
                  My love and I have had
                  She was my only sweeting
                  She made my heart full glad
                  That tears stood in her eyes
                  Like to the morning dew
                  But now, alas ! she's left me
                  Falero, Lero, Loo

                  Her cheeks were like the cherry
                  Her skin was white as snow
                  When she was blithe and merry
                  She angel-like did show
                  Her waist exceeding small
                  The fives did fit her shoe
                  But now, alas ! she's left me
                  Falero, Lero, Loo

                  In summer time or winter
                  She had her heart's desire
                  I still did scorn to stint her
                  From sugar, sack or fire
                  The world went round about
                  No cares we ever knew
                  But now, alas ! she's left me
                  Falero, Lero, Loo

                  To maidens' vows and swearing
                  Henceforth no credit give
                  You may give them the hearing
                  But never them believe
                  They are as false as fair
                  Unconstant, frail, untrue
                  For mine, alas! Hath left me
                  Falero, Lero, Loo

                  GEORGE WITHER

                  آخر اضافة بواسطة ام اي عزيزي; 28-06-2005, 09:31 PM.

