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جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

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  • جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

    نضعهم هنا لجمعهم ولتعطل المواقع احيانا مما يصعب الحصول عليهم
    اولا اللودر الحديث لليمتابوكس 1&2
    الميزة التى به استحالة التحميل الخطاء لسوفت وير التحديث
    الملفات المرفقة

  • #2
    الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

    ثانيا اخر ملف فلاش نزل للميتابوكس1
    يقال ان بواسطته اصبح تحديث شفرة الهسباسات والبولسات تلقائيا
    الملفات المرفقة


    • #3
      الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

      ثالثا اخر سوفت وير للميتابوكس1
      الملفات المرفقة
      آخر اضافة بواسطة الطلال; 27-03-2004, 06:25 PM.


      • #4
        الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

        رابعاً اخر سوفت وير للميتابوكس1
        الملفات المرفقة
        آخر اضافة بواسطة الطلال; 27-03-2004, 06:26 PM.


        • #5
          الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

          خامساً سوفت وير للميتابوكس1
          الملفات المرفقة
          آخر اضافة بواسطة الطلال; 27-03-2004, 06:27 PM.


          • #6
            الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

            سادساً سوفت وير للميتابوكس1
            الملفات المرفقة
            آخر اضافة بواسطة الطلال; 27-03-2004, 06:28 PM.


            • #7
              الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

              يسلمو الاياااادي عزيزي مو غريبة عليك هالمواضيع الحلوة..اللى تتحفنا فيها


              • #8
                الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                سابعاً اخر سوفت وير للميتابوكس2


                • #9
                  الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                  ثامناًً سوفت وير للميتابوكس2
                  الملفات المرفقة


                  • #10
                    الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                    تاسعاً سوفت وير للميتابوكس2
                    الملفات المرفقة


                    • #11
                      الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                      مرفق ملف التعليمات ويحتوي على الحل عند توقف الرسيفر على اشارة on
                      الملفات المرفقة


                      • #12
                        الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                        هلا اخي العزيز جرح الغرام وجودك معانا هو اللي تحفة وغنيمة بارك الله فيك


                        • #13
                          الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                          ولتحميل الملفات من الكمبيوتر للرسيفر او من الرسيفر لرسيفر ثاني الوصلة العادية

                          2 = 3

                          3 = 2
                          5 = 5
                          آخر اضافة بواسطة الطلال; 28-03-2004, 09:25 AM.


                          • #14
                            الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                            ما بيحمل ...............!!!!!!!!!


                            • #15
                              الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                              تحتاج 7 اضافات او مشاركات لتتمكن من التحميل
                              الان اضافاتك 9 توكل على الله وباشر بالتحميل


                              • #16
                                الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                                بارك الله فيك اخي العزيز
                                ممكن سؤال هل الميتا بوكس الفضي يعمل ابديت ام لا وشكرا لك مرة اخرى


                                • #17
                                  الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                                  اخي العزيز ملف الفلاش اللي يعمل تحديث تلقائي للهسباسات والبوليسات نزل حاليا لليمتابوكس1 فقط
                                  وسينزل للميتابوكس2 قريبا وسنوافيك فيه ان شاء الله اول ما يكون متوفر


                                  • #18
                                    الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                                    10: اول سوفت وير نزل للميتا بوكس الأسود
                                    الفريجن ver2-44 جعله يفتح البلوسات
                                    حاليا هو الاقدم

                                    الملفات المرفقة


                                    • #19
                                      الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                                      11: اول سوفت وير نزل للميتا بوكس الفضي
                                      الفريجن ver2-44 جعله يفتح البلوسات
                                      حاليا هو الاقدم
                                      الملفات المرفقة


                                      • #20
                                        الرد: جميع سوفت وير الميتابوكس1&2 مع اللودر

                                        ملف التعليمات للذين تعذر عليهم انزاله والذي يحتوي على حل مشكلة on
                                        Loading software into receiver
                                        Look at your receiver in front cover and see if it's eMetabox or eMetabox II
                                        Download the loader (eMetaBox NEW Downloading Program.exe) and the bin file
                                        (eMETABOX1 or eMETABOX2_verXX.zip depending on your receiver type)
                                        Connect the RS232 or serial port on the rear of receiver and PC with null modem cable.
                                        Powerup the PC and receiver
                                        Run the loader, set the com port (serial port) and click set. Then click "open code data"
                                        and point to the bin file (AFTER you unrar / unzip) and Start send.
                                        The transfer will begin and the receiver will be programmed and coundown from "d-30" to says "Good".
                                        Switch off and wait 5 seconds and switch on again.
                                        The menu will show with option to select Family or Personal and then the Language selection

                                        Setting up the Satellite
                                        Press button IIII on remote control for Main Menu and select Installation
                                        Select Satellite and press button IIII to select and Exit
                                        Do a muiltisearch and once channels are found
                                        Exit and save data.

                                        Adding new Satellite + Channels
                                        Goto http://www.metaware.co.kr/customer/register.asp and register to download software
                                        Login and
                                        download STB Wizard (20.6 Mb) or
                                        download STB Wizard manual (852 KB) or
                                        Read the manual
                                        Connect null modem cable to serial port of pc and metabox
                                        Power on PC and metabox receiver.
                                        Install STB Wizard and start program
                                        Click "auto STB detect"
                                        Click "Channel Editor" and click [Satcodx] tab
                                        Select region 1-9, click select the Satellite
                                        click "Refresh by Satellite" and the channels will show on bottom
                                        Right click on the selected Satellite to "edit Satellite".
                                        Click Set Antenna configuaration for LNB Type and Polarity
                                        Click Apply and OK
                                        Click button "Transfer to STB" or right click on Channels list and select "transfer Satellite + Channel"
                                        Code will be transfered and and wait for "countdown d-30 until Good" status on receiver
                                        Power off and on again.

                                        Method 1
                                        If only one channel appear in TV Channel List (button IIII), then select "transfer channels only" in channel editor (STB Wizard)
                                        Code will be transfered and status on receiver is "Good"
                                        Power off and on again.
                                        All Channels list will appear.
                                        The channels will be scrambled until the code or keys is entered.

                                        Method 2
                                        Once Satellite is selected, goto "Edit TP", then "Add TP"
                                        Select "Add TP" and create Frequency and Symbol rate
                                        Then select "TP Search" and "All". Channels will appear.
                                        Exit and save data.
                                        The channels will be scrambled until the code or keys is entered.
                                        Refer this website for details :

                                        Over-The-Air (OTA) software upgrade
                                        You can upgrade Software Over-The-Air (OTA), change background pictures (in Video and Radio mode), audio for
                                        There are 4 options to select:-
                                        1. Main code (This is for downloading software from Hotbird)
                                        2. Background image (This is for changing backgrounds for Video TV & Radio)
                                        3. Background image
                                        4. Background image

                                        When select options 2,3 or 4, then there will be more 3 options (Video-Audio-Cancel)
                                        select your option, press OK, Yes and wait (Do not power off the receiver at this time)
                                        Wait for a few minutes and new data will be downloaded automatically and installed.
                                        Receiver will restart automatically, otherwise switch off and on again.

                                        eMetabox will upgrade all data automatically from remote, power off reciever with remote and
                                        then look on front panel of the receiver you will see "UPGRADE" 2 times then receiver will
                                        switch off. The codes will be upgraded while in standby mode.
                                        Now switch on from remote and all codes will be active.

                                        How to update key code
                                        Go into CODE EDIT mode on the Menu
                                        Select CAS with color button
                                        Find Provider ID
                                        Find Index#
                                        Edit Key code with remote control
                                        Then save, reset STB
                                        Check updated $ Channel open
                                        Note: when key code updated, please edit Key code. (no ADD)

                                        Q. The update to Metabox is still not successful after 3 hours and there is an
                                        error message
                                        A. Update the metabox will on take a few minutes. Check your com port setting or wrong type
                                        cable is used. Use a null modem cable.

                                        Q THe PC will display "transfer success" and Metabox display "Good".
                                        I switch off and on metabox and display is always "on"
                                        A. THE wrong software have been flashed into Metabox. Reflash with correct file.

                                        Q. I've tried to load all the possible new updating softwares for my silver
                                        eMetaBox but with no positive result, still have no response and the LED
                                        is still "on"
                                        A. Switch off the receiver and recheck files and cable again. Then connect the
                                        receiver again, start the program when the receiver is still power off. the program
                                        will reply with trying to connect 1.2.3..., then you switch on the power of the
                                        receiver if all steps are okay this should do the trick.
                                        A. If you press the "Power" button on the front of the receiver after loading the
                                        software, the receiver will show only "on".
                                        You must switch off the switch at the back of the receiver. Try to reload the software again.
                                        After the receiver shows "Good" then wait for 30 seconds. If the receiver does not restart
                                        by itself, switch it off using the switch on the back of the receiver, wait 10 seconds,
                                        then switch it on again. The receiver should show "on... Strt... inSt". If this is OK
                                        then you can switch off, connect to the satellite and the TV, and set up the language,
                                        satellite and do "Multi Search" to find the channels again.

                                        Q I have tried to upgrade the Software but the "filesend2 program" counts and says
                                        "No Answer".
                                        A. Switch off the receiver and recheck files and cable again. Then connect the
                                        receiver again, start the program when the receiver is still power off. the program
                                        will reply with trying to connect 1.2.3..., then you switch on the power of the

                                        Q. How do I identify the type of receiver
                                        A. there is 2 type of metabox:
                                        1- black&red color carton box with black color or silver color receiver and the
                                        right side of front cover states eMetabox.
                                        2- white color carton box with silver color receiver and the right side of front
                                        cover states eMetaboxII.

                                        Q. Why does the receiver does not store the channels
                                        A. You have reached the limit of channels storage. Delete some channels like the radio
                                        channels which are not used regularly.

                                        Q. I patch accidently the loader with
                                        FileSend2.exe(Loader Data Download) The emetabox
                                        doesn't work My flash memory is down.

                                        A. 1. Unplug Metabox and remove the cover.
                                        2. You'll find 2 PCB, power supply and the main board.
                                        3. Remove the cable from the Power supply to the main board.
                                        4. From the pins on the main board (usually marked) short the marked
                                        supply line to ground. Do the same to the Power Supply board.
                                        Note: The whole idea is to discharge all the capacitors to reset
                                        whatever data/info on the RAM to, at least, restart the system
                                        for downloading.
                                        5. Return back the cable from the Power Supply to the main board.
                                        6. Connect the PC and plug the metabox and turn on the main power.
                                        Do not push the front power button
                                        7. Run the software and hopefully downloading will be a breeze.

