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  • طالب المساعدة

    السلام عليكم ممكن حد يساعدنى على شان اتعلم الياهو كله

  • #2
    الرد: طالب المساعدة

    هاهو توتوريال yahoo بالإنجليزية
    Getting Messenger & starting installation

    First you need to get the messenger program, you can get it from the Yahoo!® website by clicking here (this link will open in a new window to allow you to view this page).

    Next click on the link to download messenger (similar to fig 1.1) and follow the on screen instructions to download messenger.

    You will be asked where you want to save the file on your PC, select a location and make a note of it (they suggest the desktop).

    Find the setup file and double click on it, (an icon similar to that in fig 1.2).
    After double clicking the install icon you will be presented with the installation dialogue box.
    It will welcome you to the installation, now simply click the Next button.
    Now read the terms carefully and if you accept then click the I Accept button. You will now be asked which directory (folder) you wish to install to, if you have no preference then simply click the Next button. Now you are ready to install, click the Next button.


    • #3
      الرد: طالب المساعدة

      In fig 1.3 you can see the file copying process.

      When the installation has finished copying files it will update your system configuration, then it will tell you that the installation is complete, simply click the Finished button and the messenger program will open allowing you to sign in.
      Back to top | Messenger Tutorial part 2 - © 2001 - 2004 helpwithpcs.com Start Messenger & Login

      If you have just installed messenger then it should have automatically opened.

      If not double click on the small icon (see fig 1.4) in your taskbar (near the clock) to open the program.

      The first time you run messenger (or if you don't use auto login) you will be presented with the Login dialogue box as seen in fig 1.5.

      If you don't already have a Yahoo!® ID (email address) then click on the Get a Yahoo! ID button and follow the on-screen instructions.

      The Login box is fairly self explanatory, enter your ID (we have used helpwithpcs_com in our example) and your password in the boxes provided.

      then are 3 options:

      Remember my ID and Password
      This option will save you the trouble of entering your ID and password each time you use messenger.
      Automatically Login
      This option will automatically login when yahoo messenger is started.
      Login under invisible mode
      This option allows you to login to messenger but appear to be offline to anyone.

      When you have entered your information and selected any options you want simply click the login button and you will see the connecting to Yahoo!® box as seen in fig 1.6.

      You will now connect to the messenger server and you will see the main messenger screen (see next part of tutorial for getting started).


      • #4
        الرد: طالب المساعدة

        Adding friends to your list

        After opening the messenger program you will see the main messenger box (see fig 1.1), click on the Add button (as shown in fig 1.1)

        You will now be presented with three options asking how you would like to add your friend, By Yahoo! ID, By Email Address or Search for a friend.

        By Yahoo!® ID is the default way to add a friend which is what we will use in our example, so click the Next button.

        You will now see the Add a friend dialogue box similar to that shown in fig 1.2.

        A person's Yahoo!® ID ís the first part of their Yahoo!® email address, in our example we want to add a friend with the yahoo ID helpwithpcs_friend so we enter that in the box provided (see fig 1.2).

        You can create different groups for your friends, for example you could have one group for family members and one group for work colleagues, enter the name of the group you want to add this friend to (in fig 1.2 we are creating the group family).

        /td> Leave your identity as it is (unless you want to change it for some reason).

        The Message to Friend box allows you to add a small message to let them know you have added them.

        When you have filled in all the information simply click the Finish button, you will then be told that a message has been sent to the person with that Yahoo!® ID asking permission for you to add them as your friend. It also asks you if you would like to enter any additional information about your friend, for instance a nickname, if you do click the Yes button, otherwise click No.

        Now you will see the friend in your friends list on the main messenger screen (see next part of tutorial), don't forget to tell your friend to add you to their friends list too.


        • #5
          الرد: طالب المساعدة

          Checking your friend is online

          After adding a friend you will see their Yahoo!® ID and a small icon (face) appear in the main messenger window (see fig 1.1 below). If your friend is offline (not connected or hasn't given permission yet for you to add them to your list) then the Yahoo!® ID and small face icon will be similar to that in fig 1.1.

          If your friend is online and they have accepted you as a friend then the small face icon and name will appear like helpwithpcs_friend in our example below (fig 1.2).

          In other words when your friend is online and available the face will be brighter and smiling and the Yahoo!® ID will be in bold letters.

          Also notice your status (pointed out in fig 1.1), by default (unless changed) it is set to I'm Available, this means that if you are on someone else's friends list then they can see you are online and contact you if they wish.

          Your status can be changed to Unavailable by clicking on the small arrow next to your status, this would make it appear that you are offline but you can still receive messages. Back to top | Messenger Tutorial part 4 - © 2001 - 2004 helpwithpcs.com Making contact with your friend

          To initiate contact with your friend is very straight forward, after checking they are online simply double click on their Yahoo!® ID in your friends list, this will open the instant message box similar to that shown in fig 1.3 below:

          As you can see in fig 1.3 we have entered the message Hello in the message box, to send your message either press the Enter key or click on the send button, we have also pointed out where the messages will appear.

          In fig 1.4 above you can see our message has been sent and our friend has replied, all the messages you send between you and your friend are private and you can chat for as long as you want.

          There is a conferencing feature with Yahoo!® Messenger which allows multiple people to chat in the same message box, we will cover this as well as voice conferencing and viewing web cams in upcoming tutorials.


          • #6
            الرد: طالب المساعدة

            Setting up your mic & sound
            To set up your microphone ready for use plug it into the mic socket at the back of your PC, fig 1.1 shows a common set of sound inputs/outputs and we have pointed out the mic socket. The next step is to open the messenger program and contact the friend that you want to talk to, when you have sent them a message you will see the main instant message window, one of the icons visible is the voice button. Clicking on the voice button adds a new toolbar with some new areas of interest within the message window, these extra buttons/indicators (see fig 1.2) are what you will use to control the voice conferencing. Back to top | Part 5 coming in the next few days - © 2001 - 2004 helpwithpcs.com The Voice conferencing Toolbar

            Above in fig 1.2 we have pointed out the main areas that are used to control the voice conferencing:

            A - This is similar to the hands free feature on a normal telephone, allowing the user to talk without pressing the Talk button, when selected a certain volume triggers the hands free feature.

            B - The Talk button is what you press and hold to speak, for better results this button should be pressed and held 1 second before you start to talk.

            C - This is a level indicator, it indicates the input level of your microphone.

            D - This is another level indicator, this one indicates the level of the incoming voice (your friend's voice).

            E - The mute facility is much like the mute on your TV, when selected it mutes all sound.

            F - This is a level indicator which indicates the level of the sound output. Back to top | Part 5 coming in the next few days - © 2001 - 2004 helpwithpcs.com Setting up the sound levels

            Now you are familiar with the voice toolbar it is time to test and set up the sound levels including the input level for your microphone, this is achieved by opening the volume control on the Windows taskbar (bottom right of your screen by the clock).
            In fig 1.3 to the left is a standard volume control window, yours may vary with different controls for different devices.

            The one we are interested in is the Mic control, if you cannot see the mic in your volume window then click on options, properties, and then put a tick next to the Mic option in the dialogue box that appears.

            Normally your mic will be muted so we need to untick the Mute checkbox (as in fig 1.2), now move the slider for the mic about halfway up for now, we will test the settings in a minute.

            Also notice the Volume slider, this should be set according to your PC's speakers.

            Now it is time to test the mic, when you enable the voice conferencing (clicking the Voice button) your friend will receive a message asking them if they would like to enable voice as well, presuming they do accept then you would see a message appear in the message window along the lines of your friend has enabled voice conference.

            Press the Talk button and say something into your mic, you should see your mic level indicator (C in fig 1.2) light up, the ideal level is shown in fig 1.4 below

            Having the mic any louder than the level shown above can cause distortion, adjust your mic slider (fig 1.3) to set the level accordingly, always ask your friend how it sounds at their end too.

            Once you have set your levels you are ready to go, just press the talk button or use the hands free feature to talk.

            To stop the voice conference simply click on the Voice Off button as seen below

            note: If you experience feedback (a humming noise) while talking then adjust the volume and mic sliders until the humming disappears, another cause of feedback is having the mic too close to the speakers.

